FSA Award Package (2025)

Once University of Arkansas Grantham receives confirmation that you have completed your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and any other requested documentation, one of UA Grantham’s financial aid officers will determine your eligibility and calculate your award package

Packaging Philosophy

Our packaging philosophy is to offer financial assistance up to your total Cost of Attendance for an academic year. If your remaining coursework for program completion is less than an academic year, award amounts will be prorated or adjusted accordingly. You may choose to accept only a portion of the financial assistance offered.

The following is the order in which financial aid is awarded based on your eligibility and need analysis calculation:

  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant
  • Federal Direct Subsidized Loan
  • Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan
  • Federal Direct PLUS Loan

Note: If you have accepted federal student loans at another institution within the last year, you may only be eligible for the remainder of your annual loan limit, which will affect the amount of funding you are eligible to receive at University of Arkansas Grantham.

After we calculate your financial aid award package, we will send a notification of the official award letter which outlines the amount you are eligible to receive for each FSA (Federal Student Aid) program along with instructions on how to access your awards. You must formally accept/decline any loans awarded by logging onto the GOFAO Student Portal.

Example of Cost of Attendance (Budget) and Needs Analysis Calculation for an Academic Year (Full-Time Student)

Budget Items

Needs Analysis Calculation

Estimated Books, Supplies & Fees




Room & Board


= Financial Need


Personal Expenses


Loan Fees


Cost of Attendance (Budget)


Sample Financial Aid Award Package (First-Year Independent Student)

FSA Program

$0 (EFC)

$7,000 (EFC)

Federal Pell Grant



Federal Direct Subsidized Loan



Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan



Total Award Package



*EFC = Expected Family Contribution

For more information about FSA programs, see www.studentaid.ed.gov or call the FSA Information Center at 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243). For assistance with the FAFSA process or for additional questions regarding other financial assistance opportunities that may be available to you, please contact University of Arkansas Grantham’s Office of Financial Aid at 866-850-2980 or email us at finaid@uagrantham.edu.

FSA Award Package (2025)


Should I accept a financial aid award? ›

No, you don't have to accept all of the financial aid offered to you. However, it is still very important to note that it is okay to accept all of it. If you believe the financial aid options are favorable to your circumstances, then it is totally fine to accept it.

Should I answer questions about student assets on FAFSA? ›

You'll get a pass if you are below the income threshold for the year and file certain types of tax returns. Certain states, like California, do require you to answer questions about assets to determine eligibility for state aid, even if you aren't required to answer those questions for federal aid purposes.)

What are good reasons for a financial aid appeal? ›

Valid reasons for an appeal include:
  • medical emergencies.
  • severe health issues.
  • severe personal or family problems.
  • financial or personal catastrophe.
  • return for a second degree or certificate.

How to read an award letter from financial aid? ›

Decoding Your Financial Aid Award Letter. The letter will include the annual total cost of attendance and a list of financial aid options. Typically, your financial aid package will be a mix of gift aid, meaning financial aid that doesn't have to be repaid, and loans, which you have to repay with interest.

Should you answer yes to need based financial aid? ›

Need based grants examples include the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) and state-based grants. In other words, always say “yes” to grants if your child receives them on the financial aid award! However, check into the requirements for the grant.

Is it hard to win a financial aid appeal? ›

Appeals aren't always successful —- my success rate for my clients is a little more than 50 percent. But by using these tips, you can increase your chances of success right from the start.

How to negotiate a better financial aid package? ›

Appeal as soon as you know your needs.
  1. Double-Check Your FAFSA Form.
  2. Assess Your Current Financial Circumstances.
  3. Have a Conversation With the Financial Aid Office.
  4. Reach Out to the Admissions Office.
  5. Understand What You Can Afford.
  6. Hold Back on the Deposit.
  7. Appeal as Soon as You Know Your Needs.
Jul 10, 2024

How often do SAP appeals get approved? ›

If you meet the conditions of your appeal, then your appeal approval will be extended to the next term within the same academic year. Appeals are only reviewed for one academic year at a time unless otherwise noted. Do SAP appeals usually get approved? Appeals are only accepted once, at the end of spring semester.

What information is on the financial aid award package? ›

Your financial aid award letter will include information about how much your college is offering you in grants, scholarships, work-study, and student loans. The letter may also include the estimated cost of one year of attendance (COA) at the college. This money is not going to be given to you.

How is FAFSA award calculated? ›

The SAI formula calculates the total financial resources of you and your parents (or spouse in some cases) then deducts the minimum amount needed for your family's normal annual living expenses. The remaining amount may, in part, be allocated for college expenses.

How much money does FAFSA give? ›

FAFSA financial aid limits
Type of financial aidMaximum amountWho qualifies?
Direct Subsidized Loans$3,500 to $5,500 annually, depending on year in school; $23,000 aggregate limitUndergraduate students with financial need
9 more rows

What happens if you decline financial aid award? ›

If you do not grant authorization your aid will continue to be applied to your account as it always has been, only covering allowable charges.

Should you accept full amount of financial aid? ›

You should only borrow what is needed. If your living expenses aren't going to be as high as the amount estimated by the school, you have the right to decline (turn down) the loan or request a lower loan amount.

Do you have to accept all of the financial aid I'm awarded? ›

The schools will then offer it to you and then you will decide what you want to accept or decline. There is no fee to file this form and you have the option of declining all aid offered financial aid if you choose to do so.

Do you have to pay back financial aid awards? ›

The type of aid you receive after filling out the FAFSA determines if you need to pay it back. Grants, scholarships, and work-study money don't need to be repaid but have finite funding limits. You will need to repay subsidized, unsubsidized, and Direct Plus Loans.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.